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ZIP Code Database - Facts & Stats

Data Last Updated: April 1, 2024

Connecticut ZIP Codes

Timezone(s): All Time Zones found within this State. In the United States, there are 7 standard time zones which are, from west to east: Hawaii-Aleutian, Alaska, Pacific, Mountain, Central, Eastern, Atlantic. Also included in U.S. Territories are Samoa, Guam and Palau. The alignment between ZIP codes and time zones is not perfect. A single time zone can cover multiple ZIP codes, and, conversely, a single ZIP code could theoretically span across multiple time zones, although this is quite rare.Eastern (GMT -05:00)
Population: The total Population for Connecticut, taken from the 2020 U.S. Census DP1. This population total includes all people residing in Connecticut and counts them regardless of citizenship or immigration status. Included are U.S. Citizens, permanent residents, temporary migrants, and undocumented workers. The total population represents people who live in the state, not just those present on the day of the census. State Population is critical in determining political representation, funding allocation, planning and policy-making, and demographic analysis.3,605,944 (More Details)
Male Population: The sum of all males for Connecticut from the 2020 U.S. Census DP1. Each respondent self-identified their gender on the survey, as they were asked to indicate their gender assigned at birth. The male population information is important for healthcare planning, policy making, social research, and economic planning and development.1,749,853
Female Population: The sum of all females for Connecticut from the 2020 U.S. Census DP1. Each respondent self-identified their gender on the survey, as they were asked to indicate their gender assigned at birth. The female population information is important for healthcare planning, policy making, social research, and economic planning and development.1,856,091
Median Age: The median age of the total population of this state. Median age is not a future prediction, it is the actual number from the 2020 Census. Median age is the middle age of the population. Half the population is older than the average age and half is younger.41
ZIP Codes: The total number of ZIP Codes which at least partially fall inside the state of Connecticut. Did you know that approximately 23% of ZIP Codes cross county lines? Several even cross State lines. ZIP Codes do not follow other geographic boundaries because they were created exclusively for the expedient delivery of mail.421
Cities: The total number of City names which are associated with ZIP Codes that partially or wholly cross into Connecticut. Alongside the official city name, USPS also recognizes certain alternate names for cities or towns that can be used in mailing addresses. These may include towns, villages, abbreviations, names in other languages, or names that have been commonly used historically.269
Counties: The total number of counties associated with ZIP Codes that are at least partially part of Connecticut.8
Area Codes: The total number of Area Codes associated with ZIP Codes in Connecticut. Area codes are used in the North American Numbering Plan (NANP) to facilitate phone routing. Each area code identifies a specific geographic area (usually part of a state or territory) and allows calls to be routed to the correct area. There are approximately 350 area codes in use in the United States.4
Total Area: The approximate amount of area covered by Connecticut in square miles. This includes all land and water areas within the legal state boundaries.5,543 square miles
Land Area: Approximate area of land covered by Connecticut in square miles. Land area data provided by the Census Bureau are based on geographic boundaries that include the mainland, islands, inland, coastal, Great Lakes, and territorial waters associated with each state. Land area is important in many types of statistical analysis. For example, population density, the number of people per unit of land area, is a commonly used statistic based on this data. Land area measurements are also important for urban planning, environmental studies, and economic analysis. 4,843 square miles
Water Area: The approximate amount of water area covered by Connecticut in square miles. Calculations for water area take into account inland bodies of water, coastal regions, Great Lakes, and territorial sea waters. This encompasses features such as lakes, reservoirs, rivers, and coastal water bodies. Water surface data are especially important for environmental and conservation planning, water resource management, transportation, and recreational planning.701 square miles
Map showing the ZIP Codes in the State of Connecticut

Connecticut Covers 421 ZIP Codes

ZIP CodeCityCountyType
ZIP Code 06001AvonHartfordStandard
ZIP Code 06002BloomfieldHartfordStandard
ZIP Code 06006WindsorHartfordUnique
ZIP Code 06010BristolHartfordStandard
ZIP Code 06011BristolHartfordP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06013BurlingtonHartfordStandard
ZIP Code 06016Broad BrookHartfordStandard
ZIP Code 06018CanaanLitchfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06019CantonHartfordStandard
ZIP Code 06020Canton CenterHartfordP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06021ColebrookLitchfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06022CollinsvilleHartfordP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06023East BerlinHartfordStandard
ZIP Code 06024East CanaanLitchfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06025East GlastonburyHartfordP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06026East GranbyHartfordStandard
ZIP Code 06027East HartlandHartfordStandard
ZIP Code 06028East Windsor HillHartfordP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06029EllingtonTollandStandard
ZIP Code 06030FarmingtonHartfordUnique
ZIP Code 06031Falls VillageLitchfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06032FarmingtonHartfordStandard
ZIP Code 06033GlastonburyHartfordStandard
ZIP Code 06034FarmingtonHartfordP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06035GranbyHartfordStandard
ZIP Code 06037BerlinHartfordStandard
ZIP Code 06039LakevilleLitchfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06040ManchesterHartfordStandard
ZIP Code 06041ManchesterHartfordUnique
ZIP Code 06042ManchesterHartfordStandard
ZIP Code 06043BoltonTollandStandard
ZIP Code 06045ManchesterHartfordP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06050New BritainHartfordP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06051New BritainHartfordStandard
ZIP Code 06052New BritainHartfordStandard
ZIP Code 06053New BritainHartfordStandard
ZIP Code 06057New HartfordLitchfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06058NorfolkLitchfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06059North CantonHartfordP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06060North GranbyHartfordStandard
ZIP Code 06061Pine MeadowLitchfieldP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06062PlainvilleHartfordStandard
ZIP Code 06063BarkhamstedLitchfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06064PoquonockHartfordP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06065RivertonLitchfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06066Vernon RockvilleTollandStandard
ZIP Code 06067Rocky HillHartfordStandard
ZIP Code 06068SalisburyLitchfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06069SharonLitchfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06070SimsburyHartfordStandard
ZIP Code 06071SomersTollandStandard
ZIP Code 06072SomersvilleTollandP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06073South GlastonburyHartfordStandard
ZIP Code 06074South WindsorHartfordStandard
ZIP Code 06075StaffordTollandP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06076Stafford SpringsTollandStandard
ZIP Code 06077StaffordvilleTollandP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06078SuffieldHartfordStandard
ZIP Code 06079TaconicLitchfieldP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06080SuffieldHartfordUnique
ZIP Code 06081TariffvilleHartfordStandard
ZIP Code 06082EnfieldHartfordStandard
ZIP Code 06083EnfieldHartfordP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06084TollandTollandStandard
ZIP Code 06085UnionvilleHartfordStandard
ZIP Code 06088East WindsorHartfordStandard
ZIP Code 06089WeatogueHartfordStandard
ZIP Code 06090West GranbyHartfordStandard
ZIP Code 06091West HartlandHartfordStandard
ZIP Code 06092West SimsburyHartfordStandard
ZIP Code 06093West SuffieldHartfordStandard
ZIP Code 06094Winchester CenterLitchfieldP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06095WindsorHartfordStandard
ZIP Code 06096Windsor LocksHartfordStandard
ZIP Code 06098WinstedLitchfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06101HartfordHartfordStandard
ZIP Code 06102HartfordHartfordP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06103HartfordHartfordStandard
ZIP Code 06104HartfordHartfordP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06105HartfordHartfordStandard
ZIP Code 06106HartfordHartfordStandard
ZIP Code 06107West HartfordHartfordStandard
ZIP Code 06108East HartfordHartfordStandard
ZIP Code 06109WethersfieldHartfordStandard
ZIP Code 06110West HartfordHartfordStandard
ZIP Code 06111NewingtonHartfordStandard
ZIP Code 06112HartfordHartfordStandard
ZIP Code 06114HartfordHartfordStandard
ZIP Code 06115HartfordHartfordP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06117West HartfordHartfordStandard
ZIP Code 06118East HartfordHartfordStandard
ZIP Code 06119West HartfordHartfordStandard
ZIP Code 06120HartfordHartfordStandard
ZIP Code 06123HartfordHartfordP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06126HartfordHartfordP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06127West HartfordHartfordP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06128East HartfordHartfordP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06129WethersfieldHartfordP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06131NewingtonHartfordP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06132HartfordHartfordP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06133West HartfordHartfordP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06134HartfordHartfordP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06137West HartfordHartfordP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06138East HartfordHartfordP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06140HartfordHartfordP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06141HartfordHartfordP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06142HartfordHartfordP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06143HartfordHartfordP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06144HartfordHartfordP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06145HartfordHartfordP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06146HartfordHartfordP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06147HartfordHartfordP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06150HartfordHartfordUnique
ZIP Code 06151HartfordHartfordUnique
ZIP Code 06152HartfordHartfordStandard
ZIP Code 06153HartfordHartfordUnique
ZIP Code 06154HartfordHartfordUnique
ZIP Code 06155HartfordHartfordUnique
ZIP Code 06156HartfordHartfordUnique
ZIP Code 06160HartfordHartfordUnique
ZIP Code 06161HartfordHartfordUnique
ZIP Code 06167HartfordHartfordUnique
ZIP Code 06176HartfordHartfordUnique
ZIP Code 06180HartfordHartfordUnique
ZIP Code 06183HartfordHartfordUnique
ZIP Code 06199HartfordHartfordP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06226WillimanticWindhamStandard
ZIP Code 06230AbingtonWindhamP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06231AmstonTollandStandard
ZIP Code 06232AndoverTollandStandard
ZIP Code 06233BallouvilleWindhamP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06234BrooklynWindhamStandard
ZIP Code 06235ChaplinWindhamStandard
ZIP Code 06237ColumbiaTollandStandard
ZIP Code 06238CoventryTollandStandard
ZIP Code 06239DanielsonWindhamStandard
ZIP Code 06241DayvilleWindhamStandard
ZIP Code 06242EastfordWindhamStandard
ZIP Code 06243East KillinglyWindhamStandard
ZIP Code 06244East WoodstockWindhamP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06245FabyanWindhamP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06246Grosvenor DaleWindhamP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06247HamptonWindhamStandard
ZIP Code 06248HebronTollandStandard
ZIP Code 06249LebanonNew LondonStandard
ZIP Code 06250Mansfield CenterTollandStandard
ZIP Code 06251Mansfield DepotTollandP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06254North FranklinNew LondonStandard
ZIP Code 06255North GrosvenordaleWindhamStandard
ZIP Code 06256North WindhamWindhamStandard
ZIP Code 06258PomfretWindhamP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06259Pomfret CenterWindhamStandard
ZIP Code 06260PutnamWindhamStandard
ZIP Code 06262QuinebaugWindhamStandard
ZIP Code 06263RogersWindhamP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06264ScotlandWindhamStandard
ZIP Code 06265South WillingtonTollandStandard
ZIP Code 06266South WindhamWindhamStandard
ZIP Code 06267South WoodstockWindhamP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06268Storrs MansfieldTollandStandard
ZIP Code 06269Storrs MansfieldTollandUnique
ZIP Code 06277ThompsonWindhamStandard
ZIP Code 06278AshfordWindhamStandard
ZIP Code 06279WillingtonTollandStandard
ZIP Code 06280WindhamWindhamStandard
ZIP Code 06281WoodstockWindhamStandard
ZIP Code 06282Woodstock ValleyWindhamStandard
ZIP Code 06320New LondonNew LondonStandard
ZIP Code 06330BalticNew LondonStandard
ZIP Code 06331CanterburyWindhamStandard
ZIP Code 06332Central VillageWindhamP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06333East LymeNew LondonStandard
ZIP Code 06334BozrahNew LondonStandard
ZIP Code 06335Gales FerryNew LondonStandard
ZIP Code 06336GilmanNew LondonStandard
ZIP Code 06338MashantucketNew LondonP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06339LedyardNew LondonStandard
ZIP Code 06340GrotonNew LondonStandard
ZIP Code 06349GrotonNew LondonP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06350HanoverNew LondonP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06351Jewett CityNew LondonStandard
ZIP Code 06353MontvilleNew LondonStandard
ZIP Code 06354MoosupWindhamStandard
ZIP Code 06355MysticNew LondonStandard
ZIP Code 06357NianticNew LondonStandard
ZIP Code 06359North StoningtonNew LondonStandard
ZIP Code 06360NorwichNew LondonStandard
ZIP Code 06365PrestonNew LondonStandard
ZIP Code 06370OakdaleNew LondonStandard
ZIP Code 06371Old LymeNew LondonStandard
ZIP Code 06372Old MysticNew LondonP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06373OnecoWindhamP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06374PlainfieldWindhamStandard
ZIP Code 06375Quaker HillNew LondonStandard
ZIP Code 06376South LymeNew LondonP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06377SterlingWindhamStandard
ZIP Code 06378StoningtonNew LondonStandard
ZIP Code 06379PawcatuckNew LondonStandard
ZIP Code 06380TaftvilleNew LondonStandard
ZIP Code 06382UncasvilleNew LondonStandard
ZIP Code 06383VersaillesNew LondonP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06384VoluntownNew LondonStandard
ZIP Code 06385WaterfordNew LondonStandard
ZIP Code 06387WaureganWindhamP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06388West MysticNew LondonP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06389YanticNew LondonStandard
ZIP Code 06401AnsoniaNew HavenStandard
ZIP Code 06403Beacon FallsNew HavenStandard
ZIP Code 06404BotsfordFairfieldP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06405BranfordNew HavenStandard
ZIP Code 06408CheshireNew HavenUnique
ZIP Code 06409CenterbrookMiddlesexStandard
ZIP Code 06410CheshireNew HavenStandard
ZIP Code 06411CheshireNew HavenUnique
ZIP Code 06412ChesterMiddlesexStandard
ZIP Code 06413ClintonMiddlesexStandard
ZIP Code 06414CobaltMiddlesexP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06415ColchesterNew LondonStandard
ZIP Code 06416CromwellMiddlesexStandard
ZIP Code 06417Deep RiverMiddlesexStandard
ZIP Code 06418DerbyNew HavenStandard
ZIP Code 06419KillingworthMiddlesexStandard
ZIP Code 06420SalemNew LondonStandard
ZIP Code 06422DurhamMiddlesexStandard
ZIP Code 06423East HaddamMiddlesexStandard
ZIP Code 06424East HamptonMiddlesexStandard
ZIP Code 06426EssexMiddlesexStandard
ZIP Code 06437GuilfordNew HavenStandard
ZIP Code 06438HaddamMiddlesexStandard
ZIP Code 06439HadlymeNew LondonP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06440HawleyvilleFairfieldP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06441HigganumMiddlesexStandard
ZIP Code 06442IvorytonMiddlesexStandard
ZIP Code 06443MadisonNew HavenStandard
ZIP Code 06444MarionHartfordP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06447MarlboroughHartfordStandard
ZIP Code 06450MeridenNew HavenStandard
ZIP Code 06451MeridenNew HavenStandard
ZIP Code 06455MiddlefieldMiddlesexStandard
ZIP Code 06456Middle HaddamMiddlesexP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06457MiddletownMiddlesexStandard
ZIP Code 06459MiddletownMiddlesexUnique
ZIP Code 06460MilfordNew HavenStandard
ZIP Code 06461MilfordNew HavenStandard
ZIP Code 06467MilldaleHartfordP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06468MonroeFairfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06469MoodusMiddlesexStandard
ZIP Code 06470NewtownFairfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06471North BranfordNew HavenStandard
ZIP Code 06472NorthfordNew HavenStandard
ZIP Code 06473North HavenNew HavenStandard
ZIP Code 06474North WestchesterNew LondonP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06475Old SaybrookMiddlesexStandard
ZIP Code 06477OrangeNew HavenStandard
ZIP Code 06478OxfordNew HavenStandard
ZIP Code 06479PlantsvilleHartfordStandard
ZIP Code 06480PortlandMiddlesexStandard
ZIP Code 06481RockfallMiddlesexStandard
ZIP Code 06482Sandy HookFairfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06483SeymourNew HavenStandard
ZIP Code 06484SheltonFairfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06487South BritainNew HavenP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06488SouthburyNew HavenStandard
ZIP Code 06489SouthingtonHartfordStandard
ZIP Code 06491StevensonFairfieldP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06492WallingfordNew HavenStandard
ZIP Code 06493WallingfordNew HavenUnique
ZIP Code 06494WallingfordNew HavenUnique
ZIP Code 06495WallingfordNew HavenUnique
ZIP Code 06498WestbrookMiddlesexStandard
ZIP Code 06501New HavenNew HavenP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06502New HavenNew HavenP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06503New HavenNew HavenP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06504New HavenNew HavenP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06505New HavenNew HavenP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06506New HavenNew HavenP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06507New HavenNew HavenP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06508New HavenNew HavenP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06509New HavenNew HavenP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06510New HavenNew HavenStandard
ZIP Code 06511New HavenNew HavenStandard
ZIP Code 06512East HavenNew HavenStandard
ZIP Code 06513New HavenNew HavenStandard
ZIP Code 06514HamdenNew HavenStandard
ZIP Code 06515New HavenNew HavenStandard
ZIP Code 06516West HavenNew HavenStandard
ZIP Code 06517HamdenNew HavenStandard
ZIP Code 06518HamdenNew HavenStandard
ZIP Code 06519New HavenNew HavenStandard
ZIP Code 06520New HavenNew HavenP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06521New HavenNew HavenP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06524BethanyNew HavenStandard
ZIP Code 06525WoodbridgeNew HavenStandard
ZIP Code 06530New HavenNew HavenP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06531New HavenNew HavenP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06532New HavenNew HavenP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06533New HavenNew HavenP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06534New HavenNew HavenP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06535New HavenNew HavenP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06536New HavenNew HavenP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06537New HavenNew HavenUnique
ZIP Code 06538New HavenNew HavenUnique
ZIP Code 06540New HavenNew HavenUnique
ZIP Code 06601BridgeportFairfieldP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06602BridgeportFairfieldP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06604BridgeportFairfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06605BridgeportFairfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06606BridgeportFairfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06607BridgeportFairfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06608BridgeportFairfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06610BridgeportFairfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06611TrumbullFairfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06612EastonFairfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06614StratfordFairfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06615StratfordFairfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06673BridgeportFairfieldUnique
ZIP Code 06699BridgeportFairfieldUnique
ZIP Code 06701WaterburyNew HavenStandard
ZIP Code 06702WaterburyNew HavenStandard
ZIP Code 06703WaterburyNew HavenP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06704WaterburyNew HavenStandard
ZIP Code 06705WaterburyNew HavenStandard
ZIP Code 06706WaterburyNew HavenStandard
ZIP Code 06708WaterburyNew HavenStandard
ZIP Code 06710WaterburyNew HavenStandard
ZIP Code 06712ProspectNew HavenStandard
ZIP Code 06716WolcottNew HavenStandard
ZIP Code 06720WaterburyNew HavenP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06721WaterburyNew HavenP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06722WaterburyNew HavenP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06723WaterburyNew HavenP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06724WaterburyNew HavenP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06725WaterburyNew HavenP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06726WaterburyNew HavenP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06750BantamLitchfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06751BethlehemLitchfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06752BridgewaterLitchfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06753CornwallLitchfieldP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06754Cornwall BridgeLitchfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06755GaylordsvilleLitchfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06756GoshenLitchfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06757KentLitchfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06758LakesideLitchfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06759LitchfieldLitchfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06762MiddleburyNew HavenStandard
ZIP Code 06763MorrisLitchfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06770NaugatuckNew HavenStandard
ZIP Code 06776New MilfordLitchfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06777New Preston Marble DaleLitchfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06778NorthfieldLitchfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06779OakvilleLitchfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06781PequabuckLitchfieldP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06782PlymouthLitchfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06783RoxburyLitchfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06784ShermanFairfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06785South KentLitchfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06786TerryvilleLitchfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06787ThomastonLitchfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06790TorringtonLitchfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06791HarwintonLitchfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06792TorringtonLitchfieldUnique
ZIP Code 06793WashingtonLitchfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06794Washington DepotLitchfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06795WatertownLitchfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06796West CornwallLitchfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06798WoodburyLitchfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06801BethelFairfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06804BrookfieldFairfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06807Cos CobFairfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06810DanburyFairfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06811DanburyFairfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06812New FairfieldFairfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06813DanburyFairfieldP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06820DarienFairfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06824FairfieldFairfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06825FairfieldFairfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06828FairfieldFairfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06829GeorgetownFairfieldP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06830GreenwichFairfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06831GreenwichFairfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06836GreenwichFairfieldP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06838Greens FarmsFairfieldP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06840New CanaanFairfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06850NorwalkFairfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06851NorwalkFairfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06852NorwalkFairfieldP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06853NorwalkFairfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06854NorwalkFairfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06855NorwalkFairfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06856NorwalkFairfieldP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06857NorwalkFairfieldUnique
ZIP Code 06858NorwalkFairfieldUnique
ZIP Code 06860NorwalkFairfieldUnique
ZIP Code 06870Old GreenwichFairfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06875Redding CenterFairfieldP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06876Redding RidgeFairfieldP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06877RidgefieldFairfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06878RiversideFairfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06879RidgefieldFairfieldUnique
ZIP Code 06880WestportFairfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06881WestportFairfieldP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06883WestonFairfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06888WestportFairfieldUnique
ZIP Code 06889WestportFairfieldUnique
ZIP Code 06890SouthportFairfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06896ReddingFairfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06897WiltonFairfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06901StamfordFairfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06902StamfordFairfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06903StamfordFairfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06904StamfordFairfieldP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06905StamfordFairfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06906StamfordFairfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06907StamfordFairfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06910StamfordFairfieldStandard
ZIP Code 06911StamfordFairfieldP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06912StamfordFairfieldP.O. Box
ZIP Code 06913StamfordFairfieldUnique
ZIP Code 06914StamfordFairfieldUnique
ZIP Code 06926StamfordFairfieldUnique
ZIP Code 06927StamfordFairfieldUnique

Connecticut Demographic Information

Total population of for Connecticut: Total Population from the 2020 Census. This reflects the exact population of the geographic area at that point in time, not future estimates, regardless of citizenship or immigration status. It is intended to count all persons living within the geographic area, not just those present on the day of the census.3,605,944
Male population of for Connecticut: The Male Population from the 2020 Census. This is not a forecast for the future, but an exact count for this geographic area at the time of the Census. Each respondent self-identified their gender on the survey, as they were asked to indicate their gender assigned at birth. The Male Population information is important for healthcare planning, policy making, social research, and economic planning and development.1,749,853
Female population of for Connecticut: The Female Population from the 2020 Census. This is not a forecast for the future, but an exact count for this geographic area at the time of the Census. Each respondent self-identified their gender on the survey, as they were asked to indicate their gender assigned at birth. The Female Population information is important for healthcare planning, policy making, social research, and economic planning and development.1,856,091
Median age (years): The Median Age of the Total Population from the 2020 Census for this geographic area. Median age is not a future prediction, it is the actual calculated age from the 2020 Census. Median age is the middle age of the population. Half the population is older than the average age and half is younger. Median Age can relate how young or old a geographic area is compared to others. If one area is 44 and the other is 40, then the first are is an average of 4 years older.41.1
White Population: The White Population is an exact count from the 2020 Census for this geographic area. The numbers for the White Population are not future projections. On the 2020 U.S. Census questionnaire, people were asked to check all races which applied to them, including White. This count includes all who selected White/Caucasian in their response, even if they selected another race as well.2,395,128
Black Population: The Black Population is an exact count from the 2020 Census for this geographic area. The numbers for the Black Population are not future projections. On the 2020 U.S. Census questionnaire, people were asked to check all races which applied to them, including Black or African American. This count includes all who selected Black or African American in their response, even if they selected another race as well.388,675
Indian Population: The American Indian and Alaska Native Population is an exact count from the 2020 Census for this geographic area and not estimates for the future. On the 2020 U.S. Census questionnaire, people were asked to check all races which applied to them, including American Indian and Alaska Native. This count includes all who selected American Indian and Alaska Native in their response, even if they selected another race as well.16,051
Asian Population: The Asian Population is an exact count from the 2020 Census for this geographic area, not future projections. On the U.S. Census questionnaire, people were asked to check all races which applied to them, including Chinese, Filipino, Asian Indian, Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese, or Other Asian. This count includes all who selected one of these options in their response, even if they selected another race as well.172,455
Hawaiian Population: The Hawaiian or Pacific Islander Population is an exact count from the 2020 Census for this geographic area and are not future projections. On the 2020 U.S. Census questionnaire, people were asked to check all races which applied to them, including Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander. This count includes all who selected either Hawaiian or Pacific Islander in their response, even if they selected another race as well.1,598
Hispanic Population: The Hispanic Population is an exact count from the 2020 Census for this geographic area and is not an estimate or future projection. On the 2020 U.S. Census questionnaire, people were first asked for their Ethnicity, including if they were from Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish Origin, including Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano, Puerto Rican, Cuban, or other ethnic origin. This count includes all who affirmed that they were part of this ethnic origin. Respondents who selected this option were also asked to select a race separately and would be counted once in this number as well as the race they chose as well. From the U.S. Census definition, Hispanic is an ethnic origin and not a race.623,293
Median age (Male): The Median Age of all Males from the 2020 Census for this geographic area. The Male Median Age is the actual average from the 2020 Census, not an estimate or future projection. Median Age is the average age of the population. Half of the population is older than the average age and the other half is younger. Gender is self-reported by individuals when asked about their sex at birth.39.7
Median age (Female): The Median Age of all Females from the 2020 Census for this geographic area. The Female Median Age is the actual average from the 2020 Census, not an estimate or future projection. Median Age is the average age of the population. Half of the population is older than the average age and the other half is younger. Gender is self-reported by individuals when asked about their sex at birth.42.6
Total Households: Total Number of Households from the 2020 U.S. Census for this geographic area. A Household includes everyone living in a residential housing unit. This includes families, roommates in a single residence, or a person living alone.1,418,069
Married-Couple Households: Total Married-Couple Households is based on the 2020 U.S. Census and is not an estimate. Under the U.S. Census Bureau definition, Married Couple Households refers to the count of households where the householder and his or her spouse are listed as members of the same household. It does include same-sex marriage households and the households themselves may also include other individuals, such as children or other relatives. 
Average Household Size for for Connecticut: The Average Household Size, is obtained by dividing the number of people in Households (excluding those in group quarters, nursing home, prisons, and dorm rooms) by the number of Households. A Household includes everyone living in a residential unit. Those who do not live in a household are classified as living in group accommodation. This value is an estimate from the U.S. Census ACS (American Community Survey) and is updated yearly.2.47
Average family size of for Connecticut: Average Family Size is calculated by dividing the number of people in a Family Household by the number of Family Households. The U.S. Census Bureau defines family households as households consisting of two or more individuals who are related by birth, marriage, or adoption. They also may include other unrelated people. Non-family households consist of people who live alone or who share their residence with unrelated individuals. The Average Family Size only looks at the households classified as Family Households. This value is an estimate from the U.S. Census ACS (American Community Survey) and is updated yearly.3.1
Total housing units for for Connecticut: The total number of Housing Units is the number of occupied units + the number of vacant units. Ownership is defined by whether the unit is occupied by an owner or by a tenant. Owner occupancy means that the owner lives in the unit. This value comes from the 2020 U.S. Census and is not a projection or estimate.1,530,197