County Map Boundary Data Free Download

Free County Boundaries Download

Download County Boundaries

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Includes these data formats:

  1. ESRI - Shapefile (.shp)
  2. Google Display - KML (.kml)
  3. DB Loadable - WKT (.txt)
  4. DB Loadable - MySQL™ (.sql)
  5. DB Loadable - SQL Server(.sql)
  6. DB Loadable - Post GIS (.sql)
  7. Comma Separated Values (.csv)

County Boundaries Specifications

Field Name Data Type Description
geom** GEOMETRY Binary internal representation of geometry
WKT* TEXT “MULTIPOLYGON” label, followed by coordinate pairs to define polygon(s) (longitude, latitude)
STATEFP Char(2) State FIPS Code
STABBREV Char(2) State abbreviation
COUNTYFP Char(3) County FIPS code
STCTYFIPS Char(5) The State and County FIPS code together
COUNTYNS Char(8) Current county ANSI code
NAME VarChar(100) The name of the County
LSAD VarChar(2) Current legal/statistical area description code
CLASSFP VarChar(2) Current FIPS 55 code
MTFCC VarChar(5) MAF/TIGER feature class code (G4020)
CSAFP VarChar(3) Current combined statistical area code
CBSAFP VarChar(5) Current metropolitan/micropolitan statistical area code
METDIVFP VarChar(5) Current metropolitan division code
FUNCSTAT VarChar(1) Current functional status
RELVER VarChar(8) Release version (e.g. 1.11.1)

*WKT field only in WKT format file
**geom field only in MySQL™ and PostGIS formats

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