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ZIP Code Database - Facts & Stats

Data Last Updated: April 1, 2024

Armed Forces Pacific ZIP Codes

Timezone(s): All Time Zones found within this State. In the United States, there are 7 standard time zones which are, from west to east: Hawaii-Aleutian, Alaska, Pacific, Mountain, Central, Eastern, Atlantic. Also included in U.S. Territories are Samoa, Guam and Palau. The alignment between ZIP codes and time zones is not perfect. A single time zone can cover multiple ZIP codes, and, conversely, a single ZIP code could theoretically span across multiple time zones, although this is quite rare.No Timezones
Population: The total Population for Armed Forces Pacific, taken from the 2020 U.S. Census DP1. This population total includes all people residing in Armed Forces Pacific and counts them regardless of citizenship or immigration status. Included are U.S. Citizens, permanent residents, temporary migrants, and undocumented workers. The total population represents people who live in the state, not just those present on the day of the census. State Population is critical in determining political representation, funding allocation, planning and policy-making, and demographic analysis.No Population Data
Male Population: The sum of all males for Armed Forces Pacific from the 2020 U.S. Census DP1. Each respondent self-identified their gender on the survey, as they were asked to indicate their gender assigned at birth. The male population information is important for healthcare planning, policy making, social research, and economic planning and development.No Data
Female Population: The sum of all females for Armed Forces Pacific from the 2020 U.S. Census DP1. Each respondent self-identified their gender on the survey, as they were asked to indicate their gender assigned at birth. The female population information is important for healthcare planning, policy making, social research, and economic planning and development.No Data
Median Age: The median age of the total population of this state. Median age is not a future prediction, it is the actual number from the 2020 Census. Median age is the middle age of the population. Half the population is older than the average age and half is younger.No Data
ZIP Codes: The total number of ZIP Codes which at least partially fall inside the state of Armed Forces Pacific. Did you know that approximately 23% of ZIP Codes cross county lines? Several even cross State lines. ZIP Codes do not follow other geographic boundaries because they were created exclusively for the expedient delivery of mail.172
Cities: The total number of City names which are associated with ZIP Codes that partially or wholly cross into Armed Forces Pacific. Alongside the official city name, USPS also recognizes certain alternate names for cities or towns that can be used in mailing addresses. These may include towns, villages, abbreviations, names in other languages, or names that have been commonly used historically.3
Counties: The total number of counties associated with ZIP Codes that are at least partially part of Armed Forces Pacific.1
Area Codes: The total number of Area Codes associated with ZIP Codes in Armed Forces Pacific. Area codes are used in the North American Numbering Plan (NANP) to facilitate phone routing. Each area code identifies a specific geographic area (usually part of a state or territory) and allows calls to be routed to the correct area. There are approximately 350 area codes in use in the United States.1
Total Area: The approximate amount of area covered by Armed Forces Pacific in square miles. This includes all land and water areas within the legal state boundaries.0 square miles
Land Area: Approximate area of land covered by Armed Forces Pacific in square miles. Land area data provided by the Census Bureau are based on geographic boundaries that include the mainland, islands, inland, coastal, Great Lakes, and territorial waters associated with each state. Land area is important in many types of statistical analysis. For example, population density, the number of people per unit of land area, is a commonly used statistic based on this data. Land area measurements are also important for urban planning, environmental studies, and economic analysis. 0 square miles
Water Area: The approximate amount of water area covered by Armed Forces Pacific in square miles. Calculations for water area take into account inland bodies of water, coastal regions, Great Lakes, and territorial sea waters. This encompasses features such as lakes, reservoirs, rivers, and coastal water bodies. Water surface data are especially important for environmental and conservation planning, water resource management, transportation, and recreational planning.0 square miles
Map showing the ZIP Codes in the State of Armed Forces Pacific

Armed Forces Pacific Covers 172 ZIP Codes

ZIP CodeCityCountyType
ZIP Code 96201APOMilitary
ZIP Code 96202APOMilitary
ZIP Code 96203APOMilitary
ZIP Code 96204APOMilitary
ZIP Code 96205APOMilitary
ZIP Code 96206APOMilitary
ZIP Code 96207APOMilitary
ZIP Code 96208APOMilitary
ZIP Code 96209DPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96210DPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96212FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96213APOMilitary
ZIP Code 96214APOMilitary
ZIP Code 96215FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96218APOMilitary
ZIP Code 96224APOMilitary
ZIP Code 96251APOMilitary
ZIP Code 96257APOMilitary
ZIP Code 96258APOMilitary
ZIP Code 96260APOMilitary
ZIP Code 96262APOMilitary
ZIP Code 96264APOMilitary
ZIP Code 96266APOMilitary
ZIP Code 96269FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96271APOMilitary
ZIP Code 96273APOMilitary
ZIP Code 96275APOMilitary
ZIP Code 96276APOMilitary
ZIP Code 96278APOMilitary
ZIP Code 96283APOMilitary
ZIP Code 96284APOMilitary
ZIP Code 96297APOMilitary
ZIP Code 96301APOMilitary
ZIP Code 96303DPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96306FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96309APOMilitary
ZIP Code 96310FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96311FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96315FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96319APOMilitary
ZIP Code 96321FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96322FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96326APOMilitary
ZIP Code 96328APOMilitary
ZIP Code 96331APOMilitary
ZIP Code 96336APOMilitary
ZIP Code 96337APOMilitary
ZIP Code 96338APOMilitary
ZIP Code 96339APOMilitary
ZIP Code 96343APOMilitary
ZIP Code 96346FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96347FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96349FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96350FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96351FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96362FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96365APOMilitary
ZIP Code 96367APOMilitary
ZIP Code 96368APOMilitary
ZIP Code 96370FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96371FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96372FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96373FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96374FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96375FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96376APOMilitary
ZIP Code 96377FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96378APOMilitary
ZIP Code 96379FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96380FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96382FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96384FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96385FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96386APOMilitary
ZIP Code 96387FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96388FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96389FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96401APOMilitary
ZIP Code 96502APOMilitary
ZIP Code 96504DPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96505DPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96506APOMilitary
ZIP Code 96507DPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96511FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96515DPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96516FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96517FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96520DPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96521DPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96530DPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96531FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96532DPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96534FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96535DPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96537FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96540FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96542FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96543FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96548APOMilitary
ZIP Code 96549DPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96550APOMilitary
ZIP Code 96551DPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96552APOMilitary
ZIP Code 96553APOMilitary
ZIP Code 96554DPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96555APOMilitary
ZIP Code 96557APOMilitary
ZIP Code 96562DPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96577APOMilitary
ZIP Code 96578FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96595FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96598FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96599APOMilitary
ZIP Code 96601FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96602FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96603FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96604FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96605FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96606FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96607FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96608FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96609FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96610FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96611FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96612FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96613FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96615FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96616FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96619FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96620FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96628FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96629FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96632FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96633APOMilitary
ZIP Code 96641APOMilitary
ZIP Code 96642APOMilitary
ZIP Code 96643FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96644APOMilitary
ZIP Code 96645APOMilitary
ZIP Code 96649FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96650FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96657FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96660FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96661FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96662FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96663FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96664FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96665FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96666FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96667FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96668FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96669FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96670FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96671FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96672FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96673FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96674FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96675FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96677FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96678FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96679FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96681FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96682FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96683FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96686FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96691FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96692FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96693FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96694FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96695FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96696FPOMilitary
ZIP Code 96698FPOMilitary