ZIP Code Directory FAQ's

United States ZIP Code Directory

Q. How do I get a list of all abbreviations in your database?

A. We have official abbreviation lists available: State & Street Suffix Abbreviations and USPS Common Abbreviations.

Q. What information will I get when I look up a ZIP Code on your site?

A. The ZIP Code Database lookup results will include Area Code, City, State, County, Latitude, Longitude, Elevation, City Aliases, Population, Households per ZIP Code, Average House Value, Average Income per Household, White Population, Black Population, Hispanic Population, MSA and PMSA. Median Age, Male Median Age, Female Median Age, # of Businesses, Q1 Payroll, Annual Payroll, # of Employees, Employment Flag, County Growth Rank, 2003 Housing Units, 2004 Housing Units, Number Increase in Units, % Increase in Units, CBSA Population, CBSA Division Pop., 112th Congressional District, 112th Congressional Land Area, # Residential Mailboxes, # Business Mailboxes, Total Delivery Receptacles, Current Population NEW!, Multi County Data, Land Area in Square Miles, Water Area in Square Miles. Box Counts (PO Box counts), SFDU (single family delivery units), and MFDU (multi family delivery units)

Q. What information will I get when I purchase the zip code database from your company?

A. Our database contains all current data regarding ZIP codes, area codes, city name, alias city names, two digit state code, city type, county name, state FIPS, county FIPS, time zone, daylight savings indicator, primary record indicator, latitude, longitude, county elevation, Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA), MSA description name, Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area (PMSA), Core Based Statistical Area (CBSA), Metro CBSA description name, and CBSA division. Our database also provides Census 2010 data for the United States, including population, households per zip code, average house value, average income per household, white population, black population, and hispanic population, Median Age, Male Median Age, Female Median Age, # of Businesses, Q1 Payroll, Annual Payroll, # of Employees, Employment Flag, County Growth Rank, 2003 Housing Units, 2004 Housing Units, Number Increase in Units, % Increase in Units, CBSA Population, CBSA Division Pop., 112th Congressional District, 112th Congressional Land Area, # Residential Mailboxes, # Business Mailboxes, Total Delivery Receptacles, Current Population NEW!, Multi County Data, Land Area in Square Miles, Water Area in Square Miles, Box Counts, SFDU, MFDU.

The data comes in row and column format which means you can sort the data by ANY of the above data fields. An example would be: If you wanted all zip codes or cities with an average income per household over $100,000, you would simply sort by the "average income per household" column, move to the point of the data that reaches $100,000 and every data item from that point down will match your criteria. You can do that for any of the 69 data items - it's simple and effective.

Q. What makes your database unique and better than your competitors?

A. Our database contains 75 data fields (Business Edition) and over 80,000 records. It is updated and verified in an automated fashion, giving the user current and precise data. We give you more data so your company will have a competitive advantage in its efforts. Our data is precise, and we charge less than half of what many of our main competitors charge. We give more data at a better price - this combination has brought us to the top of our industry.

Q. What are MSA, PMSA, and CBSA?

A. MSA is the older standard used by the government to define certain populous geographic areas. There are 280 MSA's. MSAs and PMSAs are four-digit numeric codes assigned to the 362 metropolitan geographic areas defined by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), a part of the administrative branch of the Federal Government. The MSA and PMSA standard have been replaced by the CBSA (Core Based Statistical Area). There are 369 Metro CBSA's and 565 Micro CBSA's. To qualify as a Metro area, the population must exceed 50,000. A Micro area has 10,000 to 50,000.

Q. What information comes with your database and what does it mean?

A. Here's a breakdown of the information you get in the ZIP Code database:

Q. How are results ordered on your site when I look up something with multiple results (like a County with numerous ZIP Codes)?

A. The ZIP Code Directory sorts results alphabetically by City.

Q. How does the ZIP Code Database decide which results to show me if I put in multiple search criteria?

A. The ZIP Code Database uses a boolean "and" search, providing results that satisfy ALL the criteria you enter.

Q. What are some uses for the ZIP Code Database?

A. The ZIP Code Database is helpful in the following situations, to name just a few:

Q. How many users are included in the purchase price?

A. The Zip-Code Database has different levels for the number of users in your organization.

Q. How often is the database updated?

A. Our ZIP-Code Database is updated monthly. Updates are provided around the second of each month. Email notices will also be sent notifying you of the changes. We provide an update file and the full updated database each month.

Q. What information is updated and when is it from?

A. All fields in our database can be updated. Depending on the information in question, updated information happens from monthly to almost never. An example of monthly updates would be the zip code data from the USPS. An example of "almost never" would be the Region or Division. They do not change unless a ZIP Code has been rezoned in a new area. If this occurs, the data will be updated as well but they almost never do.

Q. How do I get the new database each month?

A. The ZIP-Code Database is available for download at anytime in all formats with your one year subscription. Simply login to "Your Account" and choose "Download Database" from the options. Select the format you wish to download and click "Download"

Q. I can't log into my account!

A. Try using our lost password feature to retreive your username and password. If you are still unable to login, make sure that your browser can accept cookies. This is required to remember your login information for validation on our website. If the problem persists, please contact us.

Q. Why is a zip code listed more than once in your database?

A. Each ZIP Code has a record for it's primary city name and any aliases that may be associated with that zip code. If a ZIP Code has 10 city alias names, 10 records will be listed, with the CityAliasName field being different/unique for each one. If you purchased the Standard version and want to know which record is the primary record, simply find the record where the City Name and the City Alias match, that is your primary record.

Q. Why does the White, Hispanic, and Black populations total to more than the "Total Population"?

A. This happens because many people list themselves as multi-raced individuals. Their race is then counted as part of each race type, but they will only show up once in the total population field.

Q. Why does the White, Hispanic, and Black populations total to less than the "Total Population"?

A. This happens because we do not break down all different ethnicities such as Asian, American Indian, etc.

Q. Why are the Employment and Payroll fields 0 for some ZIP Codes??

A. The Census does not provide Business Size data in areas where there is low population or the data is such that a single business can be indentified. In these instances, employment and payroll data are replaced by zeroes. The EmploymentFlag2003 field is used to denote the number of employees by class size based on the following schedule.

A0 - 19
B20 - 99
C100 - 249
E250 - 499
F500 - 999
G1,000 - 2,499
H2,500 - 4,999
I5,000 - 9,999
J10,000 - 24,999
K25,000 - 49,999
L50,000 - 99,999
M100,000 or more

Q. What are the Congressional Districts?

A. The Congressional District comes from the Census 2010 for congressional districts of the Congress. Congressional district boundaries in Maine, Pennsylvania, and Texas changed after the 108th Congress was seated in January of 2003. These changes occurred for the 109th Congress that was seated in January of 2005. This field shows which districts the ZIP Code belongs to.

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