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ZIP Code Database - Facts & Stats

The Wealthiest ZIP Codes in America

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Feb 272014

The Wealthiest ZIP Codes in America

Dollar SignThe latest American Community Survey (ACS) data is now available! This survey contains the 2008-2012 5 year estimates. Based on the ACS, the list below shows the top 10 wealthiest ZIP Codes in America, along with it's primary city name. Each ZIP Code has a Median Home Value greater than $1,000,000. Click through each ZIP Code to see additional Census data.

Did your ZIP Code make the list?


ZIP Code 07078 - Short Hills, New Jersey

Median Household Income: $234,932

Population: 13,250

Short Hills NJ


ZIP Code 10282 - New York, NY

Median Household Income: $233,409

Population: 4,783

NY 10282


 ZIP Code 94027 - Atherton, California

Median Household Income: $218,214

Population: 7,089

Atherton CA


 ZIP Code 11568 - Old Westbury, New York

Median Household Income: $212,935

Population: 4,555

Old Westbury, NY


ZIP Code 10007 - New York, New York

Median Household Income: $210,125

Population: 6,988

NY 10007


ZIP Code 22066 - Great Falls, Virginia

Median Household Income: $207,949

Population: 18,099

Great Falls, VA


ZIP Code 06820 - Darien, Connecticut

Median Household Income: $200,724

Population: 20,732

Darien CT


ZIP Code 06870 - Old Greenwich, Connecticut

Median Household Income: $188,438

Population: 7,316

Old Greenwich CT


ZIP Code 10069 - New York, New York

Median Household Income: $186,569

Population: 5,199

NY 10069


ZIP Code 07931 - Far Hills, New Jersey

Median Household Income: $186,406

Population: 3,296

Far Hills NJ


I found this data using our U.S. ZIP Code Database. You can download a copy too, by visiting our website.