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ZIP Code Database - Facts & Stats

Canadian Postal CodeOM Database Field Definitions

Postal Code

Canadian Postal Codes are made up of 6 digits/characters separated into two groups. The sequence is in ANA NAN format where A is Alphabetical character and N is a numerical character. The first three characters (ANA) make up the FSO (Forward Sortation Area).

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This is the name of city for the Postal Code. The name can represent a city, a postal entity, a community or a municipality name.

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Province Abbreviation

A two digit abbrevaiation of the Province.

Sort on this field to get all your data grouped by province.

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Province Name

The full name of the province for which this postal code resides in.

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The full name of the Province this Postal Code resides in.

Sort on this field to get all your data grouped by province.

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Area Code

The telephone area code belonging to the particular Postal code.

Sorting by this field will give you all the data grouped by area code.

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City Flag

The flag to determine if the Postal CodeOM is marked as a general delivery service Postal Code at a Postal Delivery installation. 'Y' if the Postal CodeOM is general delivery, 'N' for no.


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Time Zone

Time zone designation - the numbers 4-11 are assigned to the time zones.

4Atlantic (GMT -04:00)
5Eastern (GMT -05:00)
6Central (GMT -06:00)
7Mountain (GMT -07:00)
8Pacific (GMT -08:00)
9Alaska (GMT -09:00)
10Hawaii-Aleutian Islands (GMT -10:00)
11American Samoa (GMT -11:00)
14Guam (GMT +10:00)
15Palau (GMT +9:00)
20Newfoundland (GMT -03:30)

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Daylight Savings

Flag indicating whether a postal code is on daylight savings. Y for yes, N for no.

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The geographic coordinate of a point measured in degrees north or south of the equator.

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The geographic coordinate of a point measured in degrees east or west of the Greenwich (prime) meridian.

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The average elevation of the Postal Code measured in meters.

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The population in the Forward Sortation Area as reported by the Canadian Census 2011.

Note: The number is only valid for first 3 characters or the Forward Sortation Area (FSA). The population numbers are also not projected to the future. They are actual Census 2011 numbers.

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Private Dwellings

The total private dwellings in the Forward Sortation Area as reported by the Canadian Census 2011.

Note: The number is only valid for first 3 characters or the Forward Sortation Area (FSA). The private dwelling numbers are also not projected to the future. They are actual Census 2011 numbers.

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Area Name

The major community or greater municipality grouping that contains the street address or its delivery installation recognized by Canada Post.

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Street Name

The street name is the official civic name of a roadway or artery as recognized by the Canada Post.

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Street Type Code

The official description used to identify the type of artery or roadway.

Example: Ave = Avenue (English), AV = Avenue (French), Rd = Road, Cir = Circle

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Street Direction Code

The street direction component of an official street name. Valid Street Direction Code values are:

























Census Metropolitan Area ID

The ID of the Canadian Census Metropolitan Area this Postal Code belongs to. Connects to the Metropolitan Area table for additional data on this Metropolitan Area.

Census Metropolitan Area Type

A one-character field identifying whether the unit is a census metropolitan area, a tracted census agglomeration or a nontracted census agglomeration.

Census Division ID

The ID of the Canadian Census Division this Postal Code belongs to. Connects to the Division table for additional data on this Division.

Census Division Name

The Name of the Canadian Census Division this Postal Code belongs to.

Census Division Type

Census Divisions are classified into 12 types. This field tells you which type this Census Division is.



CDR Census division / Division de recensement
CT County / Comté
CTY County
DIS District
DM District municipality
MRC Municipalité régionale de comté
RD Regional district
REG Region
RM Regional municipality
TE Territoire équivalent
TER Territory / Territoire
UC United Counties

Census SubDivision ID

The ID of the Canadian Census SubDivision this Postal Code belongs to. Connects to the SubDivision table for additional data on this SubDivision.

Census SubDivision Name

The Name of the Canadian Census SubDivision this Postal Code belongs to.

Census SubDivision Type

A one-character field identifying whether the unit is a census metropolitan area, a tracted census agglomeration or a nontracted census agglomeration. See documentation for a full listing of Subdivision Types.

Statistical Area Classification

The Statistical Area Classification groups census subdivisions according to whether they are a component of a census metropolitan area, a census agglomeration, a census metropolitan influenced zone or the territories.

Census Consolidated Subdivision Name

A census consolidated subdivision (CCS) is a group of adjacent census subdivisions. Generally, the smaller, more densely-populated census subdivisions (towns, villages, etc.) are combined with the surrounding, larger, more rural census subdivision, in order to create a geographic level between the census subdivision and the census division.



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